Sunday, October 9, 2011

How Do You Like Them Eggs?

I love eggs. They are probably the quickest breakfast you can make and there are many ways to prepare them. This is one of my favorite ways. I don't even know the name of it, but my parents made them this way too. I will call them steamed/fried eggs. They also remind me of Mc D's egg Mc Muffin eggs.

Steam/Fried Eggs
3- 4 eggs
small amount of water

Heat your small skillet over medium heat, spray with nonstick spray. Crack the eggs in the pan and if you like, break the yolks. Season with salt and pepper. Allow the eggs to heat up where you can almost see the whites turn solid, then drizzle a little water around the edges of the eggs, then add the lid to the pan. Let cook on low-medium for a few minutes until done to your liking. No need to flip the eggs, the steam will cook the tops. Allow the water to evaporate, then serve.

You can see Little Boy there eating his fave, scrambled eggs  =)

~Be sure to follow my recipe blog so you can get all the latest goodies!~

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Danielle S said... 1

I am going to have to try this tomorrow morning. Thanks Rachelle

Cat Davis said... 2

You are my new best friend today. Those look just like the eggs in my favorite, McMuffin! I only get that breakfast sandwich so I can eat the egg out of it but I could never figure out how to cook them like that.

Cat Davis said... 3

I JUST made my eggs like these (eating them as I type) and they came out perfect, just like the McMuffin eggs. Thanks again for sharing this tip!

Anonymous said... 4

Just made these. They were great!

Unknown said... 5

These are called "basted" eggs, just so you know. It's the only way I like eggs.

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