Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mr. Linky is Here, Submit Your Giveaways

Please note this is an OLD URL link, please post new giveaway links here http://ldylvbgr.blogspot.com/2009/08/submit-your-giveaways-find-ones-to.html

This is an ongoing 24/7 Mr. Linky. I will try my best to keep it updated.

Please format your giveaway info like this:

Win $25 Sample Gift Card ends 7/25 USA MommyImHungry
-date it ends (Please so everyone knows! Or it will be deleted )-where it ships to (so others know if they can enter or not)-must link to giveaway URL. Not your main blog url! (or it will be deleted)
-blog name

Please no Spam or offensive giveaways, those will get deleted also.

Feel free to link & share to this linky on your site!

Pin It!


Liza on Maui said... 1

Thanks for this Mr. Link! (saw your announcement (invite to participate) at twitter :)

A Maui Blog said... 2

OH, that Liza's Eyeview is me LIZA from A MAUI BLOG :)

April said... 3

Is this linky going to be a regular thing? THANKS!

Jucarii said... 4

Thanks! and thanks!

Rachelle S said... 5

Yes, April, this is up for good! The link is u p top, as well as on my first blog. I just have to remember to delete expired giveaways! =)

Anonymous said... 6

I wasn't sure how to put in my description. My giveaway is basically a "goodie bag" of varioius items....thanks!!

Vanessa @ See Vanessa Craft said... 7


janetfaye said... 8

Thank you!

Henrietta said... 9

Thank you for the Linky! Found you on The Mommy Bloggers Directory :)

Judy Joyce said... 10

Thanks for the link!

Jessica said... 11

Hello and thanks!

Mary | Deep South Dish said... 12

Deep South Dish - Slap Ya Mama Cajun Seasonings and Apron Giveaway, US Only, Close date is currently open-ended and TBD.


SportRabbit.com said... 13

Thanks for letting us add our contest!

Check out our ongoing sporting goods giveaways at SportRabbit.com

VickieB said... 14

Thanks for the linky

Terri said... 15

Cute blog thanks for allowing us to link our giveaway

Ali Smith said... 16

Thanks for the link! :)

Jebbica said... 17

Here is my giveaway:

(the) Jebbica Win $50 Earth Fare Gift Card ends 12/04/09 USA

Lauren Wayne said... 18

Thanks for the linky! I appreciate it.

Hobo Mama's mei tai giveaway

VickieB said... 19


Atlas Signs and Plaques said... 20

Thanks for the opportunity to view your blog and to post our Giveaway.

Dani' said... 21

Oops that may have gone through twice, my browser froze! Anyway, come win an Ultimate Tailgating Prize Pack! Ends 12/8

Elizabeth said... 22

Thank you for the Mr. Linky!

Cascia Talbert said... 23

Thanks for the links! You and your readers are invited to link to your giveaways every Monday on Healthy Moms.
I've also included your button on our site.

Jihan S. said... 24

I just submitted my contest for a Free Inspired Longchamp Le Pliage Tote. Thank you!


Natalie A. said... 25

Thank you for your Linky!

Becca said... 26

Thanks for the linky!

Let's Just Give It Away said... 27

Thanks for the linkey!


Wow Contest said... 28

thanks for the link :)

Coolestmommy said... 29

Thanks for the Linky!!!

Rose said... 30

This is a cool idea! Thank you!

Grace@shoplet said... 31

Thanks for the linky!

Nicole Brady said... 32

Thanks for the linky!

Deb K said... 33

Thanks for the linky!

Staying Lean said... 34

I am giving away 200+ Coupons! http://stayingleaninoaklandcounty.blogspot.com/2010/02/raid-my-coupon-stash-giveaway.html

Cascia Talbert said... 35

Thanks for the link! Please let your readers know that they can link to their giveaway every Monday on Healthy Moms. I've also linked to your site on our giveaway linky.

Outfit Additions said... 36

thanks for listing

redkathy said... 37

thanks for the linky!

Sandra said... 38

Thanks for the linky! What a great resource to consolidate all the fab giveaways in blogland :).

My College Guide said... 39

Thanks -- and Good Luck! :)

Anonymous said... 40

Thanks for the linky!

The Business Mom said... 41

Thanks for helping me publicize my giveaway!

A Mom's Impression said... 42

Thanks for the linky

Please link up your giveaways here:


Unknown said... 43

Thanks for this.
Sarah Baron, Anonymous8

Penelope said... 44

Thanks so much for letting my link up!

madimom09 said... 45

Thanks for allowing me to post my giveaway blog on your blog!

Snapily said... 46

Thanks Mr Linky and mommyimhungry!

Cheryl B said... 47

Thanks for the linky!

David said... 48

Submitted my giveaway. Thanks for the linky.

I've got a link on my blog as well. If you want to submit, you can do so there too:


Thanks! :)

BowSweet said... 49

Thank you!

mandala said... 50

Posted my $40 CSN giveaway. Thanks!

FrugalQponMom said... 51

Posted a giveaway for (2) 6 month memberships to SweepsU.com - thank you!!

Unknown said... 52

thanks for hosting ;) linked my very first giveaway!
new follower too
Christy, Home♥Mom.com

*ashley* said... 53

thanks so much for the linky, i really appreciate it!

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