Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Teriyaki Tempura Chicken

I decided that since I love tempura, why not try it out on chicken too, it's the same recipe as the Honey Walnut Shrimp I made. Once cooked,  add some mixed stir fried veggies and Jasmine rice, then drizzle some of my fave homemade teriyaki sauce over all. My kids loved the chicken, it resembled chicken nuggets, with that crunchy tasty batter.

Teriyaki Tempura Chicken

2 large boneless chicken breasts, cut into 1-2" pieces

Tempura batter:
1 C. all purpose flour
1 TBL baking powder
1 egg
3/4-1C. water

Whisk all together, until desired consistency. Add chicken pieces. In a large sautee pan or wok, heat about 2" canola oil. Fry chicken in batches until just golden, drain on paper towel set aside until all batches are cooked (I kept them in a warm oven).

Teriyaki Sauce
1 tablespoon cornstarch

1 tablespoon cold water
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup cider vinegar
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
In a small saucepan over low heat, combine all. Let simmer, stirring frequently, until sauce thickens and bubbles, a few minutes. Toss a little with the cooked chicken, and drizzle over veggies and rice.

~Follow my new recipe url so you can get all the latest goodies!~


  1. Yum! This looks great. I'll have to try it. Hubby and I love chinese food. Will be trying this one! Thanks for sharing :)


  2. Thanks for posting this! i will be making this tonight. Yum!


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