Saturday, September 11, 2010

Frosted Zucchini Bread Muffins

I turned this Zucchini bread recipe (found here ) into frosted muffins. Muffin/cupcake shapes are more appealing than sliced bread, are they not? At least for my kids. This has been my go to recipe for zucchini bread for the last oh, 5 years? I froze some non frosted muffins for the kid's school lunches, they'll thaw in time for snack or lunch. They all loved these!

Zucchini Bread Muffins

3 eggs
2 cups sugar
1 cup oil
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
3 cups flour
2 cups grated, unpeeled zucchini
3 teaspoons vanilla
Ground almonds for garnish

Beat eggs and sugar, add oil and spices, and blend. Add dry ingredients, flour and zucchini, and mix. Stir in vanilla. Scoop into greased muffin tins. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes for regular size muffins, 11 minutes for mini muffins. Allow to cool frost with cream cheese frosting, sprinkle with nuts.
This gave me 12 regular muffins + 19 mini muffins, OR 1 loaf + 24 mini muffins.
Cream Cheese Frosting
4 oz cream cheese, softened
1/4 C butter, softened
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 C powdered sugar
1-2 TBL milk
Combine all until smooth. Frost muffins.
mini muffins, so cute!


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  1. if i use the ww trick of using applesauce instead of oil and agave or honey instead sugar, will it still work? I swear I can almost smell them!

  2. i know i would use lots less want them!

  3. Hi Sandy! I know you can use equal amounts of applesauce to oil when baking, but in my honest opinion, applesauce does change the muffins/cupcakes (which ever recipe you make), to me it changes the flavor and makes them a little sticky. I use canola oil for my baking. I've never used agave so I'm not sure how much to sub for. Maybe someone out there can help us out?

  4. if you get an answer, email me...spvaughan at yahoo. giggle...i was going to count as fruit and veggie. o, don't know if you know about agave but it is liquider than honey but you use a lot less!

  5. I used agave all the time it's yummy. I think it's about 2/3 cup agave to 1 cup sugar. These sound amazing and look delicious.

  6. Wow. This looks absolutely fabulous! a healthy bread recipe. thanks for sharing! gateau moelleux aux noix

  7. So, I have these in the oven right now. They smell great. I'm just cleaning up and I've noticed that I have baking powder and soda sitting on my counter, untouched. At what point was I supposed to use them?

  8. Hi Joseph, sorry about that, I didn't put "Add dry ingredients" in there, but it would go in with the flour. I have corrected the recipe.

  9. Love these! They were such a huge hit at our house! Thanks for sharing!!

  10. I have made these a couple times now and they are AMAZING!! My family loves them and my co workers have asked for recipe as they didn't last 5 minutes at work!! YUMMO!


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